In this episode, Sensei Michael Brunner explores a timeless Zen teaching from Sanshekishu, Case 4: "Obedience." Through the story of Master Bankei and a proud Nichiren priest, we delve into the nature of ego, resistance, and the profound freedom that comes from letting go. What does it mean to truly align with reality? How can we step beyond the constraints of pride and expectations to embrace the flow of life as it is? Sensei shares practical insights on noticing resistance in our daily lives and invites us to release our grip on judgments and join the dance of life with openness and clarity. 💡 Freedom isn’t found in control—it’s found in letting go. Listen now to discover how obedience to reality leads to a deeper connection with your true self. #ZenOfRecovery #ZenWisdom #Mindfulness #LetGo #OneRiverZen #SenseiMichaelBrunner #DailyZen
In this episode of Awakening Streams, Sensei Michael Brunner reflects on Case 4 of the Sanshekishu, "Obedience," featuring the timeless teachings of Master Bankei. This case tells the story of a proud Nichiren priest who challenges Bankei, only to have his resistance gently unraveled through simple instructions.
Sensei dives deep into the heart of this story, exploring:
This episode invites us to see beyond our rigid ideas of self and other, good and bad, and discover the boundless essence of who we truly are.
💡 “Freedom isn’t found in control—it’s found in letting go.”
Mentioned in this episode: